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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 05/15/2014
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
May 15, 2014

Present:        Bob Thompson, Chairman; John Allen and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Treasurer Kathleen Dougherty, Police Officer Sean Cowland, Videographer Hank Benesh, Susan May, Bea Davis, Margie Furlong, Ann Lee Doing.  

Chairman Bob Thompson called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.

  • Amend and approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – May 1, 2014  The minutes were approved as written.
  • Non-Public – May 1, 2014 – sign minutes envelope RSA 91-A:3, II(c) – Vet Credit  The minutes were approved and sealed at the meeting; the envelope was signed.
  • Non-Public – May 1, 2014 – sign minutes envelope RSA 91-A:3, II(c)  The minutes were approved and sealed at the meeting; the envelope was signed.
  • Office & Police Budget/Warrant Articles Work Session – January 15, 2014 (added)  The minutes were approved as written.
  • Action items
  • Life Safety Issues  The topic came up regarding the denial of the Couture building permit as the lot doesn’t have two hundred feet of frontage on a road; he does have an easement and there was an existing entrance that was an old driveway; it was existing and used.  Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry issued a driveway permit and there is some question as to a town official saying it would be okay.  It’s gone to the ZBA and if it’s approved the driveway will have to meet the state fire code and emergency access as determined by Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry.  If it’s denied by the ZBA then it will come to the Selectmen.   
  • Driveway Policy – see agenda item 5b
  • Land Use Agreement – Draft received from Health Trust
  • Selectmen’s Meetings for June  The meetings are scheduled for the 5th and the 19th; Selectman Lockard will not be in attendance on the 5th; Chairman Thompson will not be in attendance on the 19th.  The meetings would still have a quorum; if there’s a need to, these can be rescheduled.  
  • Transfer Station Options  Town Engineer Phillips was asked to provide an estimate to generate some conceptual plans with different options for traffic patterns and facility locations.  This came in at between thirty five and forty five hundred dollars.  Selectman Lockard spoke with Bartlett Selectmen’s Chair Gene Chandler; they don’t have the funds in their budget to do this.  Jackson may not have the funds either; the time to put funds in the budget was February and no one talked about it.  It is time for a Bartlett-Jackson Transfer Station Committee meeting.
  • Public Comment
  • Old Library – Land Use Agreement  The Health Trust response isn’t relevant to the situation as it makes it look like the building is being operated by the Old Library Trust and doesn’t use any public funds.  The town operates the building with the Trust acting as an agent.  The Trust wants there to be a legal agreement between the town and the PCA but it should be simple.  When asked if this agreement would have to be approved by the voters Margie noted this has never gone to town meetings; it’s been ongoing just not renewed; it’s just a matter of getting the paperwork updated.  They will bring it to the people for a vote if the Board thinks that is necessary.  Selectman Lockard had supported the funds for this project but now it’s gotten complicated; it’s a legal mess and he won’t support it.  It’s possible Counselor Malia can come up with something that would work.  Chairman Thompson doesn’t know what the legal definition is of “operating a building”.  PCA BOD President Joyce Allan weighed in at the last meeting; the agreement should be simple and while the BOD doesn’t meet often a meeting could be called if it’s necessary.  Susan will send her comments to Counselor Malia; everyone needs to understand there aren’t three entities here; it’s the town and the PCA.  Chairman Thompson still wonders about the town operating the building; no one is paying rent for use of the building; it’s rent for use of the land.  He wants the documents sent to Town Office Administrator Atwell not to Counselor Malia; the town should also have the original agreement from 1934 and the February 24, 1974 informing the Selectmen the PCA is raising the rent for the land to one hundred dollars.  Chairman Thompson wants Counselor Malia to weigh in on the information; the work doesn’t need to slow down; it is a separate issue but they do want to see security as they move forward.  Everyone will get a copy of Counselor Malia’s opinion and this will remain on the agenda until it’s settled.  A special meeting can be scheduled if something urgent comes up.  Susan thought the Old Library Trust could meet with Counselor Malia to move this forward; Chairman Thompson feels the next step is to wait for Counselor Malia’s opinion.  
  • Police Report  Police Office Sean Cowland reported on Department activities; some items included one untimely death; found property; two No Trespass warnings; three welfare checks and two Project Good Morning checks.  Officers assisted Bartlett PD with a suicidal subject; a BOLO was issued by the Sheriff for a missing hiker who was found in Lincoln.  There were four false burglar alarms; one assist on a fire call and one property damage at a local inn.  There was one motor vehicle accident; one arrest for operating after suspension and a VIN verification.  Next weekend will be busy; there will be a lot of people in town for all the Memorial Day activities.  
  • Building Inspector Update  Selectman Lockard reminded folks that there were two applicants from the first advertisement; cost is a concern with the company from Vermont and the second applicant is eager and learning but not qualified.  The ad was changed and there were no applicants.  The Inspector from Berlin is not available and Inspector Goudreau believes the Gorham person is not going to work in Jackson.  Selectman Lockard had planned to speak more about the “second applicant” however an applicant from Gorham, Maine has come forward that meets all the requirements.  An interview is scheduled for Wednesday; this person looks like a good fit; is within the rates Jackson would like to pay and the resume looks good.  Selectman Lockard will email his opinion about the interview as he’s not going to be at the June 5th meeting.  If that falls through, Inspector Goudreau thinks the “second applicant” can be brought along; assuming he studies and gets his certification.  The town does need to address pay for the “second applicant” since he’ll have to spend time with Inspector Goudreau to learn the job.  The suggestion is to spend two days a week with Inspector Goudreau and then another day for book work and the town is not going to pay him on the third day to study.  There are parameters that the Selectmen can set up.  Selectman Allen noted the school often hires people who are not certified and gives them three years to get certified; during that time the school doesn’t pay any of the educational costs.  The town does want to pay him for his time with Inspector Goudreau while he’s working on his certifications; Inspector Goudreau thought this should be completed within nine months.  Selectman Lockard can reconfirm with Inspector Goudreau what a reasonable time is; if it’s a year that could still be workable however if it’s longer then it comes back to trying to find a building inspector.  The town has a candidate who has interviewed and is motivated but not qualified; there is another potential candidate; Selectman Lockard will conduct the interview before making a recommendation to the Board.  
  • Driveway Permit – needs signatures  These have already been approved by Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry; Chairman Thompson will sign these on behalf of the Board.  
  • Driveway Inspection Form – FYI  This is the document Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry used for the final inspection of Couture’s property; getting this permit ironed out and putting the Driveway or Curb Cut Policy (see 6e) in place will help with consistency.
  • New Business
  • Public Comment  Chairman Thompson apologized for missing this earlier.  Bea Davis noted Memorial Day is coming up and asked that the Board enforce the ordinance prohibiting signs on town property, especially on the memorial in the village; it’s disrespectful.  Selectman Allen noted folks may not know about the ordinance; it should go in the Enews.  Selectman Lockard asked if Bea is asking that the Police Officers take the signs down; she affirmed this; the Selectmen also have the authority to take them down.  If anyone has old flags they can drop them off at the Office and Bea will take them to the Legion to be disposed of properly on Flag Day (June 14th); this will be put in the Enews.  Barbara and Bea are going to put out flags at the cemeteries.  
  • Bartlett Jackson Ambulance Meeting Request  Rick Murnick has a couple things to discuss so it’s probably time to get together for a meeting.  Office Administrator Atwell will email over to Bartlett to coordinate this.  It’s also time for the Transfer Station Committee to meet; they last met in December.  
  • Tax Collector – Unpaid Taxes List – FYI
  • North Country Council Survey  The Selectmen were asked to complete the survey and return them to Office Administrator Atwell.  
  • Existing Driveway or Curb Cut Policy – Second Reading  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the Second Reading and implement the Existing Driveway or Curb Cut Policy.  The motion passed unanimously.  The Selectmen thanked Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry for his work on this policy.  
  • Trustees of the Trust Funds – Several Requests
  • Police Cruiser Funds/Article 25  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to deposit fifteen thousand three hundred fifty dollars into the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund as approved by the voters.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  •  Police Cruiser Invoice  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to withdraw thirty one thousand five hundred ninety nine dollars from the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund to pay the Route 46 Chevrolet Invoice for the cruiser.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Highway Department – Grader Invoice  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to withdraw ten thousand three hundred fifty eight dollars and ten cents from the Highway Expendable Trust Fund to pay for the grader.  The motion passed unanimously.  The remaining three hundred fifty seven will come out of the Highway Department’s budget.  
  •  Police Department – Camera Install  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to withdraw one hundred sixty five dollars from the Police Department Expendable Trust Fund to pay the MasterCard charge for Ossipee Mountain Electric for the camera install.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Tax Warrant – Bill 1 of 2 – to be signed
  • Town Clerk – Renew Contract – mortgage, lien, deed searches   Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the contract with the independent contractor Jackson has a confidentiality agreement with for the mortgage, lien and deed searches.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Historical society – Shapleigh Painting Request  This was already approved; the painting can be transferred whenever the form acknowledging receipt is completed.    
  • Assessor – Charitable Exemption Requests/Current Use
  • Charitable Exemption NHPR  This is an annual property tax request; the Assessor noted he could recommend this or not; the big question, since they are broadcasting advertising, is whether this is really charitable.  The Board took no action on this request.
  • Charitable Exemption New England Forestry Foundation  The Assessor recommends denial; he doesn’t think it qualifies.  The Board took no action on this request.  
  • Current Use – Upper Saco Valley Land Trust  The Assessor recommends approval.  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the Current Use request as recommended by the Assessor.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  • Old Business
  • ZBA Alternate Appointment Form – to be signed   The letter has been drafted appointing Huntley Allan to the ZBA as an Alternate; the Board signed it.
  • Treasurer – Delegating Duties – to be signed  This has already been approved and has been signed by all three of Jackson’s Full time Police Officers, the Treasurer and is here for the Selectmen’s signatures; the document was signed.  Treasurer Dougherty noted she has asked Barbara Tario to be the Deputy Treasurer; she will have the form for approval at the next meeting.
  • Public Comment   There were none.
Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II (c) at 5:42 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.  

  • Non-Public Session
  • RSA 91-A:3, II(c) Matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person, other than a member of this board, unless such person requests an open meeting.  This exemption shall extend to include any application for assistance or tax abatement or waiver of a fee, fine or other levy, if based on inability to pay or poverty of the applicant.  
Respectfully submitted by:

Martha D. Tobin

Recording Secretary